Sunday, September 28, 2008

From The Corporate world

From The Corporate world...

I want to be a Child again
I want to dance in the rain
Do you know what I have lost?
Innocence, to which my heart was host

Once I had your love to boost
Now I am nothing but a living ghost
Fate ate our love like a ghoul
Tell me did we play foul?

Do you know once I was sane
This world didn't allow me to stay the same
It planted weeds in my heart
That's exactly when I lost

You will have to trust me again
To save me from all this pain
Assure me that it will rain
Which will wash away all the pain


Madhukar Hebbar said...

Mate, a soul stirring poem ... Looks like you becoming more and more poetic :-) Good on you :-)

VidyaShankar Harapanahalli said...

I guess Lehaman brother's effect has made it more soul stirring :-))

Thanks a lot for appreciation

Unknown said...

Hi Vidya, Just read an article about you in TOI & just went thru your blog. Wonderful Brother & Kudos to you. Just superb !! Hold the pole firm and fly the flag high. - Raghuram HK